Devorah reflects on the character of a good leader and a good follower as described in the first verse of the first Psalm. As we near the election, let us consider our role as citizens: we are both peacemakers and activists, agents of change or lovers of tradition. These are all in each of us and may we have the wisdom to always choose the right path. Original music by Elizabeth.
On the two-year anniversary of the Pittsburg shooting, we memorialize the victims of this massacre, holding sacred the tree of life in each of us. We pray that people stop prioritizing some lives over others and that hatred in all of its forms ceases.
We have been answered: The month of Heshvan and the Transition out of High Holiday Mode
Elizabeth reflects on events that have transpired since Simhat Torah and the end of the High Holy Day season. As snow falls to the ground in Spokane today, Elizabeth describes the last days of the Fall, offers gratitude for the gifts we have accumulated over the last months, and imagines, with vibrant hope, a winter that will quickly yield to Spring in which a Passover exodus coincides with a new vaccine. Celebrate Simhat Torah with Hineni. Join us as we rejoice in the light of Torah, chanting it’s end and singing in its beginning. As we renew the season and ourselves, be with us as we renew Torah in this new, holy year. Sunday Morning October 11, 2020 9 am PST / 12 EST. Same Zoom Link as previous services or email [email protected] for the link and passcode.
The happiness of Sukkot collides with the three-year anniversary of the twin boys to whom Devorah gave birth. She gave her friends the greatest gift that one can give—surrogacy. Exploring the painful journey of infertility, and the pitfalls in confronting an unexpected outcome, we are led on one such journey through Devorah’s compassionate and self-reflective lens.
Trigger warning: message deals with the pain of infertility, the highs, and lows of desiring, wanting and losing the potential for children. Music and verse from the Hallel, psalms of praise, traditionally sung over Sukkot and Simhat Torah. Join us Sunday morning tefillah for Simhat Torah with Hineni. Devorah explores what it means to build a sukkah inside her house. She struggles at first with the decision, but eventually realizes that God provides meaning in our observances even when we cannot perform them in the ways we might want or think we ought to.
ReflectionsHineni.Space posts brief daily offerings (Elul meditations, reflections, poetry, and melodies). There is a tradition to hear the shofar every day of the month of Elul and to recite the verses of Psalm 27. Archives
March 2021